Marsh McLaren M8D Led Zeppelin

by Peter Radcliffe

Manufacturer: Marsh Models

 McLaren M8D LZ
Kit number: MK07

The kit

The kit follows the now well established Marsh style of Resin Body, White Metal Chassis base and some smaller parts. The rest of the kit is made up of extensive photoetch, Turned parts and Resin Tyres which unlike "rubber" tyres do not split with age. I do wish John would stop using one bag for all the smaller parts as I believe that very small parts can escape in the vibration of transport and postage.

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 This belief is I think confirmed by one of the pictures which shows one escapee and two on the verge of freedom! This was a customer kit and it has been repacked before posting on. The parts are all of excellent quality especially the resin Body cast by CMA. The Photoetch from Photoetch Consultants and Decals from Zanchetti are equally superb.
This like previous version of the M8D should be a pleasure to build.

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